
Four images to test resizing and orientation, should be undistorted

		* Image sizing: https://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.urls.html
		* size is set via the longest edge
		*  s    thumbnail    75    cropped square - unsupported
		*  q    thumbnail    150    cropped square - unsupported
		*  t    thumbnail    100
		*  m    small    240
		*  n    small    320
		*  w    small    400
		*  (none)    medium    500 - unsupported
		*  z    medium    640
		*  c    medium    800
		*  b    large    1024
		*  ... bigger options trimmed
		*  o    original    arbitrary - unsupported
2000x50 = t2000x100 = t2000x150 = t2000x200 = t 2000x250 = m2000x300 = n2000x350 = n2000x400 = w 2000x500 = w2000x600 = w2000x700 = z2000x800 = c 2000x900 = c2000x1000 = c2000x1100 = b
50x2000 = t100x2000 = t150x2000 = t200x2000 = t 250x2000 = m300x2000 = n350x2000 = n400x2000 = w 500x2000 = w600x2000 = w700x2000 = z800x2000 = c 900x2000 = c1000x2000 = c1100x2000 = b